Last Saturday, over 100 loyal fans and friends of Hero MotoSports in Bengaluru witnessed their local Hero C S Santosh and the Hero 450 RR bike in action at the BigRock DirtPark in Kolar. The response from the fans was overwhelming, and passions ran high as they interacted with Santosh and our host of the day Sagar Sheldekar, a well-known Motorcycle enthusiast himself.
The event started with an informal chat with C S Santosh on topics ranging from his journey so far, impressive debut and consistent performances of Hero MotoSports Team Rally, the future of MotoSports in India to how one can enter into the world of rally racing touching upon key aspects like FMSCI, races in India, safety aspects and riding gear.
The Open Forum saw some very interesting questions about riding techniques, training opportunities, motorcycles, key anecdotes and events from the team and Santosh's journey so far.
This was followed by a display of high adrenaline performance by our heroes - C S Santosh and Hero 450 RR, as they blazed through the track amidst cheers and whistles from an ecstatic crowd.
With the huge success of this event, we will now look at extending this exclusive experience to other cities as well.